Tag: schubert

Selection Appropriate

March 16, 2014


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The most prominent element in any garden is lawn, whose total growth ends at 12 or 18 months of having been planted. This grows with difficulty on the ground from under trees, which may be the plantation with gravel. In addition, it should be taken into account that, in the lowlands, garden can suffer flooding, so it is convenient aterrazar to enable plants to develop their roots above the water. When the case is the design of a plot around a House already built other aspects must attend. Thus, in the case of soils compacted by heavy machinery, treads or roots it is possible that there is a need of an aeration of the terrain.

Furthermore, and given that in a House already built, in general, circulations, the flooring and dry garden materials have already been determined, plants must be complemented with them. Conditions of light, soil, temperature or humidity, are the main factors for choosing plants that will integrate a Garden. However, the great variety of these allows that you can always find one that adapts to the needs and tastes. The final result of the garden will depend, largely, of the plants that are used, in its volume, structure, colours or flowers. There are many different ways in his presentation. Thus, you can place variasplantas together or separately. All these characteristics must be known and analyzed before selecting plants that will make up the vergel. Plants are useful to create new spaces and produce different sensations through employment, for example, areas protected with barriers or areas that stand out for its ornamentation.Contrary to what may seem in principle, you should select plants based on the beauty of their flowers, but by its shape, volume, size, texture, or by the fact that conditions are favourable for its survival. Finally, and in relation to plants, should make an effort to avoid include excessive varieties of plants in the same zone, a very common mistake. Is it advisable to give rise to a simple design, not recharged, by choosing a dominant color and careful grouping of different varieties. Original author and source of the article