Tag: health and beauty


November 16, 2023


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To have branquinhos teeth is dream of much people, but exactly brushing teeth regularly, with passing of the time (and with the aid of coffee, rich cocaine-glue and other products in caffeine and corantes) it is normal the teeth to be yellowish. If you possess the habit to smoke then, the case you are still more serious. But happily some solutions for who exist want to see themselves free of yellow teeth, below will list 10 of them, confer: Mold with Gel You can buy the mold with a hydrogen peroxide gel, that will be used during 1 week, you are enough to place the mold two times to the day, being left the gel to act per 20 minutes. The kit costs in the average of R$ 200,00. Adhesive ribbons Functioning in the same way that the mold, but reaching only teeth of the front, exists the adhesive ribbons, that are used per 2 weeks, 2 times per day per 30 minutes. This kit costs in the average of R$ 150,00? Dental creams special Existem dental creams for clareamento of teeth. They function in the same way that a normal tooth folder, the results vary sufficient and alone they costumam to after appear the first month of use.

Each pipe of cream costs R$ 10,00 on average. Gel Existe the carbamida peroxide gel of, that it can be applied two times per day during two weeks, the effect is good, but they need to be repeated two times per week. The kit costs R$ 50,00 on average. Clareamento the Laser the expensive way fastest and, is the clareamento to the laser. Made only in specialized clinics, this treatment takes only 40 minutes to be finished. The hard result up to 2 years, the only problem is that after the clareamento section its teeth will be very sensible and you will need to prevent foods with corantes, cafenas and cigarette for up to 2 weeks. For more tips of health and beauty, it has access blog Max Burn Brazil.

Pulmonary Tuberculosis

May 9, 2020


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It is standed out performance of Florence Nightingale for elaborating practical of control epidemiologist in the prevention and control of the infectious illnesses. They had been implemented, already at this time, the procedures of asepsis, antissepsia, disinfection, sterilization and antibioticoterapia; procedures such that they last until the current days. The comment and attention to the emotional state of the human being, the relations interpersonal, the comfort and well-being and the conditions offered for the environment are component essential for the recovery and promotion of the individual that requires cares of health. Factors as fear, pain, procedures, individuality, lack of privacy and lack of dialogue are example of negative interpersonal relations that intervene with the energy and deplete the individual giving sensation of solitude and mutilation. According to ROZARIO et. Al. (2005), ambient factors as the treatment in adjusted, calm, clean and cool place they are factors that positively stimulate the promotion and recovery of the health.

The comfort and well-being must always be prioritized by the team that gives the cares of health. According to BOCK et. Al. (2009), light, heat, calm and the adjusted choice and administration of the diet also understand factors that imply directly in the health of the individual. The authors explain that Nightingale gave the physical environment for exerting critical influence in the balance of the organism. 9. Process of Nursing in the Treatment of the Pulmonary Tuberculosis the Systematization of the Assistance of Enfermagem (SAE) 9.1.

Description According to SMELTZER et. Al. (2009), it is important to make a survey of the complete history of the individual acometido with TB, as well as the physical examination. To observe manifestations of fever, anorexy, nocturnal loss of weight, sudorese, fatigue, cough and production of escarro. To evaluate the respiratory pulmes and sounds and to palpar linfonodos. 9.2. Diagnosis of Nursing HISSES et. Al. (2007) it standes out the following disgnostic through the clinical manifestations of the patient: Inefficacious respiratory standard? Nutrition modified related to the ingestion below of the corporal necessities? Deficit of the knowledge related to the lack of orientation concerning the illness?

Superior Associations

March 16, 2018


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The participants had carried through the research in the academy school of the ASCES (Association Superior Caruaruense de Ensino) during the month of March of 2010. Procedures of analysis The collection of data was lead in four days alternating. In the first day a test for the determination of the maximum load in 1RM in the superior member was carried through. In as the day (48 hours after the first evaluation), procedure for the inferior member was carried through the same. In the third day (72 hours after as the day) individuals had been submitted to the tests of 10 repetitions, 75% of the load of 1RM for exercises for superior members and in the room day for inferior members for the gauging of the DP (SHOVELS x FC), of SHOVELS and PAD. When arriving at the place of the test, the individuals were seated in a chair where they had remained per five minutes in rest, and thus had been surveyed the values of the corporal mass, stature, (SHOVELS), (PAD) (FC). After the antropomtricos and hemodinmicos procedures, the participants had been guided on the procedures of the test in the exercises agachamento, leg-press 45, crucifixo and peck-deck. The individual located in the first device, that was chosen of random form, and executed 10 repetitions, with a load equivalent 30% of 1RM, as heating form.

After five minutes had been carried through 10 repetitions 75% of the load of 1RM. The values of (FC) (SHOVELS) had been surveyed (PAD) simultaneously, immediately before the beginning of the movement and between penultimate and the last repetition with the individual in the proper device. This procedure was taken leading in account that the biggest values of the answers of (SHOVELS), (PAD) (FC), happens probably during the two last repetitions of a series. For the measure of the Par, it considered as sistlico value, the first phase of the sound of Korotkoff and as diastlico value the fourth phase.


June 22, 2014


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Clinical ALPHA TALASSEMIA Picture and I diagnosis Carrying Laboratoriais assintomtico: when an alpha chain is only reduced. Case does not have symptoms in this. Talassmico trace when two chains alpha are reduced. It does not have symptoms in this case but the hemograma presents a microctica anemia. Illness of Hemoglobina H: when three chains alpha are reduced. In this in case that, the patients present hemoltica, esplenomegalia anemia, esquelticas alterations had eritropoiese increased Hidropsia Fetal: when four chains alpha are reduced. Cause premature childbirth, hepatomegalia extreme and fetal death.

It is an incompatible type with the life. Clinical TALASSEMIA BETA Picture and I diagnosis Laboratorais Characterized for the deficiency in the production of chains beta. It is classified in two types: minor (or talassmico trace beta) and major (or anemia of Cooley). Talassmico trace beta: they are patient heterozigotos. Generally they are assintomticos. They can simply be with absence of chains beta (talassemia minor zero) or a reduction in the production of chains beta (talassemia minor +) Anemia de Cooley: they are patient homozigotos. With severe anemia. Clinical TALASSEMIA DELTA Picture and I diagnosis Laboratoriais About 3% of the hemoglobina of the adult it is made of chains alpha and delta.

As well as with talassemia beta, it can occur mutations that affect the ability of this gene to produce chains delta.tt Treatment the treatment ' ' standard' ' of the carrying patients of bigger talassemia it basically consists of regular transfusions of blood to each 3 or 4 weeks, associates to the use of the quelantes of iron (medications that on account remove the excess of accumulated iron of the blood transfusions). ANEMIA FALCIFORME falciforme Anemia hereditary illness (it passes of the parents for the children) characterized by the alteration of red globules of the blood, becoming them similar to a scythe, from there the falciforme name. This condition is more common in individuals of the black race.