Month: March 2019

Guides Spirituals

March 26, 2019


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In other places, the spaces are not filled. It lacks parts to them that had been lost, others they had not arrived to be placed and they had finished for being half forgotten, in sands it lost time. In these spaces, much light does not exist, does not exist the sun but the moon with its friends exists stars that illuminate in them at the sadness moments, at the moments most difficult, remembering to us to have hope and that we are not alone because in the great cosmos they look at for us. We need to have Faith. These parts in lack, are the people who for some reason already are not part of our life.

They are people who had deixarred a carne, friendships and relationships that if they had diluted, situations that the wind led and that already they do not come back in this life. Some of these people leave homesicknesses, others not, are felt alliviated of certain form for that to have had an end. But for other people, we feel sadness and repentance for terms had the agreement correcto does not stop with that person, for the requirement that we had on it without in giving account to them of the pressure that we exert. It close the eyes and I visualize who magoei, who I maltreated, who I did not understand and to who I pressured at certain moments, leading to the end the relation. Tears roll in my face and ask for pardon for my negligent behavior, are sorry of the attitude of the past and ask for a new chance to redeem me. When I come back to open the eyes, already I am not in the same place.

A light of love it involves me and a voice very tender it says me: ‘ ‘ Welcome! It rests now and it sleeps. Briefly, you will come back to the life. Your order of new chance was atendido.’ ‘ I perceive then that I died and that I will reincarnate again. I deeply thank for the new chance granted and adormeo during a long time, until later I am waked up by a messenger calls who me and says: ‘ ‘ It comes, is in hora.’ ‘ I follow walking for a long tunnel, an immense force he pulls me, he impels me for another world and I enter in a new body. Renasci and thus I recommence a new cycle and puzzle of the life. Cris Enriques, 28 of January of 2012 *Nota: This article is dedicated to all the people who are to help me in the construction of the Puzzle of the Life, in particular to my Mother, my Guides Spirituals and clearly to my Love.