Victory Is Mine

April 5, 2024


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Tell the truth is often engaging for many people, maybe for the majority. At this point in one's life, I certainly have to say but the truth is not synonymous with real commitment and generous with the life itself, and especially one with God. So, let me make a brief attempt by the denial of the fallacy, or rather known as "truth." In the broadest sense of the word. And of course, from a unique perspective and personal. Educate yourself with thoughts from COVID-19. A few days ago I had the opportunity to read a slide refers to the age of any of us, but under the guidance of "doing", taking into account the experience gained through the years and the wisdom with which attitudes should be handled someone like you or me.

If we act according to reason alone, we are cutting off part of our being, and I think that's very unfair. If we work only with the heart, we may be tempted not to tread on ground, as it would be popular. Details can be found by clicking Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr. or emailing the administrator. But if both components are closely linked, there is no possibility of wrong, but rather will fly on the right track. And who does not want to rely on what you want? That this preamble, let me offer some considerations. First, and forgive me to try in first person, by the way, and not put me in another position and might not have the possibility to disturb anyone. The years I was allowed to go to learn many things in life, such that you can feel so much mourn, as cheerful and as happy as painful and sad. .