Tag: investment


November 5, 2013


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Which are the stages of the disease of encas? What is the disease of encas? The disease of encas is an inflammation of which it can advance until affecting the bone that surrounds and maintains to the teeth. It is caused by the bacteria, when forming constantly on the teeth a film is transparent and sticky. If it daily does not eliminate it with cepillado and the use of the dental thread, the plate is accumulated and the bacteria can infect not only enca superficial and the teeth, but also the gingival weave and the bone that maintains the teeth. This can be a cause so that the teeth become loose, fall or that finally must them to the odontologist extract. There are three stages of the disease of encas: Gingivitis: This first stage of the disease is an inflammation of encas caused by the accumulation of plate in the edge of the same, which, when not being eliminated by cepillado and the daily use of the dental thread, produces toxins that irritate the gingival weave, causing gingivitis. Bleeding can be observed during cepillado, when using the dental thread or even of spontaneous way. In this first stage of the disease, the damage can be reverted, since the bone and the connective weave that still maintains the teeth in its place have been affected.

Periodontitis: In this stage, the bone and the fibers that maintain the teeth in their place suffer irreversible damages. A stock market underneath the edge of encas forms, where they are catched foods and the plate. The suitable dental treatment and an attention in the most careful home, generally, helps to prevent damages majors. Periodontitis outpost: In this final stage of the disease, the fibers are destroyed and the bone that maintains the teeth, which causes that the teeth move or they become loose.