
April 8, 2024


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For each entry in the steam room can be divided into three, no better than four stages. First – let's call it can be attributed to the preparatory, but For example, in the shooting ground – the shot was fired gives result. It turns out 'that the aim is also a preparatory stage. Appointment – skin preparation. The next stage – steaming. Designating its quite clear from the above. We have prepared the skin, get approval and start heating of body tissues. In the steaming cycle path and move brooms like the previous one. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta.

The third stage – a poultice. Without exaggeration we can say that it is – a truly draconian method. A few strokes of brooms down steam is pumped to the desired location and then warmed and refreshed brooms are put on the spot and pressed. Reception provides a very deep and intense heating of the tissue. Very strong effect receiving calls for recommend restrictions on its use. The final stage – grinding. This soothing technique. Brooms, like a washcloth, not pressing, gently rubbing the entire body.

Not even grind, but rather wipe. In grinding double load. Soft, gentle massage relieves tension power proparok and poultices, and skin pass all the nutrients, precipitated by heating at the surface of leaves broom. Napara, slowly, beginning to the end. Incidentally, the basic rule of baths and saunas – is not to hurry. No time, shorten the duration and number of visits, but never in a hurry. The rush to the bath completely kills its positive effect. The ending consists of two intersecting processes – bathing and final sweating. First, clean up, without affecting the head, not even wetting it. In my opinion, the soap in the bath should only eat at the conclusion of the procedure. Soap breaks the natural acid reaction of the skin, which has a protective antimicrobial value. Pomyvshis, rolls a glass of the usual drink, but I would recommend a beer and relax for a while. After a rest, go bask in the steam room. Briefly, five minutes. Here come all that you have not evaporated. After that, wash your head and gently wash off the sweat. If you did everything as it is written, and no hurry, I assure you that dressing up and going out of the bath, you absolutely will not sweat.